Setting up a Tenant

Tenants represent customer sites where you deploy and manage phones. Upon your initial login to Phonism, one tenant is already configured in your account. Our current customers often utilize this for their internal office or as a practice tenant.

This article explains how to add a tenant for “non-hierarchy“ accounts. For “hierarchy“ accounts, please see the “Phonism Hierarchy“ page.

To begin adding tenants, click on the Tenants tab located in the upper left corner of the main dashboard screen.

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To add a new tenant:

  1. Click on the “Add” button in the upper left corner of the Tenants screen.

  2. Enter tenant details such as name, address, etc.

  3. Optionally, add “Provisioning Credentials” for additional device security. This requires every device under this tenant to authenticate with these credentials before receiving configuration.

  4. Optionally, provision “Brand Specific Security Settings” to select the provisioning/management protocol for each brand within the tenant.

  5. Click on the orange SAVE button in the upper right corner to save your changes.

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When you select this tab while managing a specific tenant, you can edit the information exclusively for that tenant. Now, you have a tenant where you can begin adding phones!