

View and modify your tags, assets, and reports.

The Resources tab is where you can view and modify your tags, assets, and reports.



Phonism tags are a customer definable system of key value pairs that can be used as variables within single device parameters as well as templates. Phonism tags are functionally similar to Parameter variables but differ in the sense that the values are definable versus resolved.

Similar to the templating engine, tags also follow a top-down inheritance through the account hierarchical structure. Tag values are enforced top-down and are not over-writable by tags of the same name at lower levels in the hierarchy, unless the tag is specifically set to be overridable.

Create a Phonism tag

  1. Navigate to the level of the hierarchy you wish to create the tag.

  2. Select the Resources tab.

  3. Click Tags.

  4. Click New Tag.

  5. Enter the desired tag name, value, and overridable flag.

  6. Click Continue.

A new custom tag is added to your account. To edit an existing tag, select Edit in the Actions column next to the tag you’d like to modify.


Use a Phonism tag on a single endpoint

  1. Navigate to the level of the hierarchy you wish to create the tag.

  2. Select the Phones tab.

  3. Find the phone you’d like to add a tag to and select Edit in the Actions column.

  4. Find the specific parameter on the device you wish to modify.

  5. Click Variables. (You can see all available parameter variables, including any Phonism Tags created.)

  6. Click Save to save your changes.














Tags being used as short variables for different regions SBC addresses.




Tags being used as short variables for different regions SBC addresses.




Tags being used as short variables for different regions SBC addresses.




Tag defining our SBC Port.


You can upload and provision devices with images, audio, and configuration files. Provisioning images and audio is a great way to customize devices for individuals or your brand. Configuration file support allows you the flexibility to configure special configuration files that do not fit within normal device provisioning.

Upload a file

  1. Navigate to the company or tenant to upload a file.

Note: Select the company or tenant based on the scope of the device access desired. All devices at the company or tenant level below can request and provision the uploaded file.

  1. Select the Resources tab.

  2. Click Assets.

  3. Select which type of file you’d like to upload:

  • Auxiliary File

  • Audio File

  • Image File

  1. On the upload dialog box, choose the Tenant to upload to from the drop-down menu.

  2. Select the File Type.

  3. Click Choose File to search for the file on your computer.

  4. Click Continue to save.

The file is uploaded and all Phones and Templates now have a new Phonism Tag available for configuration. This tag is the URL for the phones to access the file. See the next section, Provision a file, for steps on how to configure a phone to retrieve a file.

Provision a file

In this example, we are configuring a Yealink phone to retrieve an image already uploaded to the system. You can apply these concepts to Phones and Template configurations, as well as auxiliary files.

  1. Find the desired parameter to be configured. For example, the Logo URL.

  2. Set the value to the predefined Variable.

Once configured, the generated configuration includes the URL for the device to access that file. On the next provision or reboot, the device will request the configured file.

Note: All auxiliary file variables will be prefixed with AUX.


You can view and export the following in the Reports page of the Resources tab.

  • Tenant Whitelist Report - Report of all Tenant IP Whitelist settings that exist at this Company and all Tenants within.

  • Phone List Report - Report of all Phones that exist at this Company and all Tenants within.

  • Device Tracking Report - Report of Device Activity at this Company and all Tenants within.

Export a report

  1. Navigate to the level of the hierarchy you wish to export the report.

  2. Select the Resources tab.

  3. Click Reports.

  4. Click Export in the Actions column next to the report you’d like to export.

A CSV file is downloaded to your computer.


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