Reset device configurations
Platform provides functionality to reset configuration to its defaults. Individual items can be selected to be reset. Can be performed on single / multiple phones or all phones under a certain company level.
Instructions for Tenant Level
Log into Phonism
Navigate to the desired Tenant and go to the Phones tab
Select phone(s) you wish to reset configuration
Click Actions and then select Reset Config
Reset Device Configuration dialog will open to select items to be cleared (See Reset Device Configuration Dialog below)
Toggle items to be cleared and Click Continue
Instructions for Company (Service Provider, Enterprise, Domain) Levels
Log into Phonism
Navigate to the parent of desired company and click Service Providers / Enterprises / Domains tab to see list of children
Under Actions column, click Reset Configurations button
Confirmation is required to accept reset configurations for all the devices under this company
Reset Device Configuration dialog will open to select items to be cleared (See Reset Device Configuration Dialog below)
Toggle items to be cleared and Click Continue
Reset Device Configuration Dialog