ODIN Webhooks

ODIN Webhooks


Customers who use Park Bench Solutions' ODIN can utilize their Webhooks feature to push changes made in ODIN immediately to Phonism. This can work in conjunction with our Broadworks Integration.


  1. Navigate to the level of the Hierarchy you want to add this ODIN webhook integration

  2. Add a new Odin Webhooks Integration

    1. After saving, your Webhook API key will be generated and revealed. Copy this key, we will use it in ODIN.

3. In ODIN, navigate to the Webhook Settings and create a new webhook endpoint. Complete the form as depicted below and select the specific events you want to be sent.

Do not send all events to Phonism. We only support specific events. Refer to the Supported Webhooks section of this document to see what we support.


Supported Webhooks

group.create group.delete group.device.create group.device.delete group.device.update group.update serviceProvider.create serviceProvider.delete serviceProvider.update user.authentication.update user.busyLampField.update user.create user.delete user.id.update user.sharedCallAppearanceEndpoint.create user.sharedCallAppearanceEndpoint.delete user.sharedCallAppearanceEndpoint.update user.update


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