Add phones

Add phones

Add phones one-by-one or in bulk

Add a single phone video:


Add phones in bulk video:

To add a phone, make sure you have the MAC address.


  1. Navigate to either the Domain or Tenant level.

Note: If you are in the Tenant, then you see all the phones in that Tenant. If you are in the Domain, then you see everything in that Domain, which includes all the tenants. 

  1. Click the Phones tab. 

  2. Click Add.

A dialog box appears.

Tip: Make sure devices are added to the correct tenant. Double check the tenant you are managing at the top. For structuring your hierarchy, see the Phonism hierarchy guide. For setting up a tenant, see the Setting up a tenant guide. These can be moved later, if needed. If you choose to move these at a later date, make sure to set a reminder for yourself to move, when needed.

  1. Enter the MAC address of the device. 

  2. (Optional) Enter all the other information, such as phone model, software versions, and even configure the first line key on the phone. 

  3. (Optional) Configure the SIP Server and URI for the call server the phone will be connected to.  This can be configured later, if it is unknown at this time.

  4. Once the MAC address is entered, you see it on the Phones page with one of the following states:

Ready - We have all the necessary information to serve the device its configuration (MAC, Brand, Model, Software Version).

Unknown model - We do not have the model information about the device to generate and serve it configuration. Once the device requests a config from Phonism,  Phonism auto-detects the model information and then attempts to detect the software version the phone is running.

Unknown software - We do not have the software version about the device to generate and serve it configuration. Once the device requests a config from Phonism,  Phonism auto-detects the software version and then generates the proper configuration data for the phone and serves it.



Import using a CSV file:

  • The only required data is the MAC address of the devices you want to add.

  • You can add other data associated with each device to be pre-configured. 

  • Required - mac_address

  • Optional - voip_username, voip_password, sip_uri, extension_label, sip_server

You can add devices in bulk using a CSV file or by importing the configuration files.

  1. Navigate to either the Domain or Tenant level.

Note: If you are in the Tenant, then you see all the phones in that Tenant. If you are in the Domain, then you see everything in that Domain, which includes all the tenants. 

  1. Click the Phones tab. 

  2. Click Import CSV.

A dialog box appears.

  1. If in the Domain level, choose a Tenant from the drop-down menu.

  2. Click Choose File and find your CSV file with the necessary information.

Details for building your CSV file and a CSV template are available below.

  1. When finished, click Continue.


Format for CSV file:

mac_address,voip_username,voip_password, sip_uri,extension_label, sip_server

001122444444, John, password123, John@Doe.com, John, Doe.com

001122555555, Jane, password456, Jane@Green.com, Jane, Green.com

001122666666, Tom, password789, Snow@Tree.com, Tom, Tree.com

Import using configuration files:

  • If you have existing configuration files, they can be imported into Phonism to import new devices. This is a great advanced tool for migrating phones.

  • Imported configuration files are parsed and imported into Phonism for that device.

  • For more information about how to use this tool, click Import Config on the Phones tab. A helpful dialog box appears with additional information.

Note: Devices added through either single add or bulk import are required to have model and software version before attempting to edit the device configuration. This can be set manually or detected automatically.


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